Community Solar Explained

What is Community Solar?

Today, only a small minority of American households and businesses have access to solar because they rent, live in multi-tenant buildings, have roofs that are unable to host a solar system, are shaded by trees, or experience some other mitigating factor.Community solar refers to local solar facilities shared by multiple community subscribers who receive credit on their electricity bills for their share of the power produced. This model for solar is being rapidly adopted nationwide.

Quick Facts about Community Solar

41 The number of states with at least one community solar project on-line.

4.9 The number of gigawatts installed cumulatively through Q2 2022.

19 The number of states that have recognized the benefits of shared renewables by encouraging their growth through policy and programs. 

4.3 The number of gigawatts that will be added to the U.S. community solar market in the next five years.